Legal team

Founding lawyer of Claussen & Velasco. Director of companies in areas such as technology, construction, real estate, industry, foreign trade and mining, among others. His experience as director and manager of companies has specialized him in advising business development in the commercial, corporate and tax areas, especially in the mining sector. He is currently a partner lawyer at C&V and Director of Extend Comunicaciones S.A., Pampa Camarones SpA and Biotech (Copptech)
- Title of Lawyer, Supreme Court of Justice (1994)
- Bachelor of Law and Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile (1991)
- Master in Tax Administration and Management, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (2005 – 2006)
- Business Administration and Management Diploma, FECEA Barcelona Spain (1992)
- Presidente GT Sur (2021 – actualidad)
- Founding partner of Claussen & Velasco (2017 – present)
- Director of Extend Communications S.A. (2006 – present)
- Founding partner of Cyclandes S.A. (Mining Technologies) (2019)
- Executive Director (CEO) Mining Company Pampa Camarones SpA (2009 – 2016)
- Founding partner of Estudio Velasco & cia. (2004)
- Partner of Bautek S.A. (1998-2016)
- Director South Continente S.A. (1994)
Member of the Chilean Bar Association.
LANGUAGES Spanish and English